Monday - Friday 7am - 4.30pm
Closed on Weekends
33 Jones St. O'Connor WA
13 Ford Rd. Coomera QLD
Closed on Weekends
13 Ford Rd. Coomera QLD
Baudouin offers arguably the most flexible and compact Selective Catalyst Reduction system (SCR) available on the market today.
SCR system technology is a proven emissions control system, significantly reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
By combining SCR with our engines, we enhance environmental performance while maintaining optimal power output.
Baudouin offers solutions for repowers and new builds, enabling vessels to meet higher emissions and environmental standards.
Our SCR system:
Our SCR technology effectively reduces harmful nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by injecting a urea-based solution into the exhaust stream. This chemical reaction converts NOx into harmless nitrogen and water vapor, ensuring compliance with the strictest emissions regulations.
SCR systems require precise control of the air-fuel mixture to ensure efficient NOx reduction. This optimization leads to a more complete and controlled combustion process, minimizing combustion-related noise.
Marine engines are subject to ever-increasing exhaust gas emissions restrictions. Baudouin is proud to be one of only a few high speed engine manufacturers off ering an IMO III and EPA an IMO III, EPA 4 and EU Stage V certifi ed solutions. Our advanced engines comply with the latest standards defi ned for international seas, US coasts, recreational crafts and inland waterways.
Our Advanced M26.3 engines meet the IMO III,EPA Tier 4 and EU Stage V requirements, delivering superior fuel economy without compromising engine power. We have completely redesigned the combustion cycle by reworking the injection system and the combustion chamber, and recalibrating the injection parameters. This achieves a cleaner engine with improved performance without sacrificing reliability. We developed an optimized Selective Catalyst Reduction System (SCR) to meet the stringent requirements of IMO III and EPA Tier 4 standards.
Baudouin still manufacture engines in France and are represented in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region by Seapower Australia.
Further information:
33 Jones Street
Western Australia 6163
© Copyright 2024 Moteurs Baudouin, Seapower